Center Activities
Launch of the SEAS Center for Women in Engineering
Friday, April 26, 2019
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Science and Engineering Hall, Lehman Auditorium
Join us on April 26 for the launch of the SEAS Center for Women in Engineering. New York Times technology reporter Cecilia Kang will provide the keynote, and Center director Dr. Shelly Heller will introduce the Center and its programming and goals. A networking reception will follow the program.
Panel and Pizza
Thursday, February 28, 2019
5:00 – 6:00 pm
SEH, 2000
SEAS faculty, staff, students, and alumni presented the panel discussion “Do We Have a Failure to Communicate?” followed by a Q&A session. Panelists included:
- Kim Roddis, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Zuri Lawrence, Student, Department of Computer Science
- Meghan Englert, Student, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
- Dawn Ginnetti, Staff, Student Professional Advisor