GW Usable Security and Privacy Lab Open House
Open House November 11 - 11:00 am-12:30 pm (EST)GW Usable Security and Privacy Lab
The GW University/Usable Security and Privacy Lab (GWUSEC) works on problems related to computer security and privacy, with a human centered approach - learning why and how users interact, understand, and use/misuse security and privacy tools, then designing and building better solutions.
The lab has a number of public and private activities. Everyone is welcome at the pubblic events, without invitattion. Attending a public event is a great way to meet people in the lab, and potentially get involved in research.
More information on GWUSEC Lab is available at this link.
To sign up for the open house being held November 11 from 11:00 am-12:30 pm (EST), please register here.