




“So You’re an Engineer!”

It’s 1957, and GW published its April 1957 Mecheleciv journal, featuring a woman student standing in front of Tompkins Hall of Engineering on the cover. The “quaint” material within included a Faculty Page for Women, a full-page photo titled “A Woman Studies Engineering,” and the illuminating article titled “So You’re an Engineer!”

While somewhat amusing, the journal excerpts here offer a window into the past while reminding us that as a society, we still have a long way to go toward acceptance of women engineers. As the author of the featured article says, “ To be a woman in engineering, you should either enjoy being in the limelight occasionally or be completely oblivious to other people.”




I Was a Low-Income College Student.
Classes Weren’t the Hard Part

Check out a review of this article. Professor Anthony Abraham Jack describes his experiences as a student for whom everything was new at the University. He describes what he knew, what others knew (more than he) and what he wants you to know about going to college.

Three women at a computer



Countering the Negative Image of Women in Computing

Despite increased knowledge about gender (in)equality, women in STEM disciplines are still portrayed in stereotypical ways in the popular media. We have reviewed academic research, along with mainstream media quotes and images for depictions of women in STEM and women in computing/IT. We found their personality and identity formation continues to be influenced by the personas and stereotypes associated with role images seen in the media. This, in turn, can affect women's underrepresentation and career participation, as well as prospects for advancement in computing fields. Read more